URGENT NOTICE: Effective Friday, November 15th, Canada Post has shut down all operations due to a union workers strike. So if you go through the check out process and buy art, please understand that while I will certainly reserve the art for you, I will not be able to ship it to you until sometime after the strike ends. However, if you are willing to pay much higher rates than usual (price to be determined on a case by case basis), UPS shipments can be arranged. But keep in mind that they will be overwhelmed with more shipments than they can handle because they will be picking up a lot of the shipments that Canada Post would normally get, so you should still expect bad service from them. If you're still willing to go ahead with UPS shipping, PLEASE E-MAIL ME your orders. DON'T check out!
In the early 1980s, as the Cold War stubbornly refuses to thaw, a new battle heats up…for the soul of the intelligence agency Checkmate. As the agency's super-heroic public face, Jackson King—a.k.a. the armored Battalion, former leader of Stormwatch and the symbol of American might—has long suspected that Adeline Kane is up to dirty tricks overseas, engineering horrors that betray everything he believes about service to one's country. But King doesn't know that Kane has a clever new ally—an ambitious young woman named Amanda Waller. She has her own ideas about how metahumans can serve their country. And honor, dignity, and long lives don't factor into them. Celebrate WildStorm's legacy of espionage-flavored superhero morality plays, pitting Stormwatch against the deadliest people in the DCU—including Deathstroke himself, with this STUNNING original cover by Mike Perkins, drawn on an oversized 13.75" x 17" board to fit DC's Black Label format!