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Comic Book Art Gallery

Newton, Don - Batman #355 p.14 - Splash Page!

Newton, Don - Batman #355 p.14 - Splash Page!

Regular price $5,250.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5,250.00 USD
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This page offers the perfect blend of dynamic storytelling and atmospheric artistry from Batman #355 (1984), pencilled by the still-underrated Don Newton and embellished by the Filipino master of mood, Alfredo Alcala. Here, in one striking image, the Dark Knight fends off a starving black panther that springs out of the shadows in Selina Kyle’s deserted apartment. The bold composition conveys both urgency and power. Batman’s fist connects in a single, explosive moment, underscored by the onomatopoeic “WHAM!” and the panther’s snarling “ANNNWRRR.” Newton’s keen eye for anatomy and action, combined with Alcala’s signature inking style, produces a riveting interplay of dramatic shadows and fluid movement.

This page perfectly demonstrates why Don Newton’s work deserves more recognition. His command of form, tension, and storytelling rivals the best of his era. Meanwhile, Alcala’s moody inks add depth and texture, making the scene feel simultaneously real and larger-than-life. If you’re looking for a definitive piece of Bronze Age Batman art, one that captures both the hero’s gritty determination and the edge-of-your-seat peril he faces, this is an ideal acquisition. It stands as a testament to two artists who knew how to make the World’s Greatest Detective leap off the page with undeniable force!

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